We offer a variety of programs and services including education, rehabilitation and stress reduction at all adult correctional facilities within San Mateo County. Our supportive services and programs offer individuals in custody an alternative to their past behaviors, resulting in positive change when they re-enter society. This greatly improves the welfare of not only themselves and their families, but of the community as a whole.

Checks/Legal Documents
Documents or checks that need an individual in custody's signature must be brought to the Service League office. If approved, documents will be brought to the individual to sign. Service League does not cash checks, provide postage, fax or personally deliver mail for individuals in custody.
Child Care
Located at the Maguire Correctional Facility and Maple Street Correctional Center; provided during visiting hours; hours may vary.
Child Contact Visits
Service League coordinates and supervises non-violent mothers in custody with children under the age of 5 years old that are eligible and willing to participate in the reunification program. For further information please contact the Service League office.
In-Custody Welfare
Individuals in custody can obtain two envelopes and two pieces of paper once per week if they have $15 or less on their books. Envelopes are 4x9 letter style only. Service League will not deliver mail for individuals in custody. Mail is usually distributed once per week. Glasses are available upon request once every 3 months; must have $20 or less on your books. Do not send duplicate requests.
Jail Library Services
Recreational Library:
Requests for books or magazines are filled subject to stock on hand. Reading materials including books and magazines are provided to individuals in custody. A variety of materials including religious, educations and recreational reading materials are made available.
Law Library:
The Law Library is offered to all individuals in custody and is supervised by Service League staff. You may ask for a specific item such as a particular code, case, legal form or you may request to use the mobile legal kiosk to conduct your own research. The librarians may not advise individuals in custody in legal matters or conduct their research for them. This is an electronic law library service for the State of California, anyone can request library services.
Buying Books & Magazines:
Individuals in custody may also have books sent to them per the guidelines regarding mail. New books and magazines must be mailed directly from the publisher or distributor. We are not allowed to bring books or magazines into the jail.
Jury Trial Clothing
Jail staff or the individual in custody's attorney must contact the Service League staff to initiate and arrange for clothing. There is court appropriate clothing that can be provided to the individual in custody. If outside clothing is preferred, please call the Service League office for more information.
Service League coordinates marriages with the Sheriff's Office.
Message Request
Individuals in custody may request for the Service League to relay phone messages to family, friends, attorneys and probation/parole officers in the following area codes: 510, 415, 650, 408, 925, 831, 669, and 707. Message requests must be of an appropriate length. No third party calls. We are unable to call programs that require some type of acceptance.
We have a 24-hour phone line where family, friends, attorneys, etc., are able to leave phone messages for individuals currently in-custody in the San Mateo County adult correctional facilities. Messages are written down and normally delivered to the facilities daily, however, it may take up to 3-5 business days for an individual to receive the message.
We provide notary services within both San Mateo county jails for a $25 fee and up to a 7 business day processing time. Individuals in custody may release the payment from their books or can provide the Service League with contact information for someone that will make the payment on their behalf.
Prison Rape Elimination Act 2003. Individuals in custody are now able to report misconduct through Service League.
Service League does not: enter property to remove any kind of item, pick up property/money, or deliver property to individuals in custody. This includes, but is not limited to, obtaining reports from the police station or courthouse.
Release of Property:
We help facilitate Property Release forms for individuals in custody with property being held at the San Mateo County jail or with an outside agency or entity.
To release property, the individual in custody must submit a request form signed by the Intake Sergeant. Clothing will not be released, unless the individual is sentenced to CDC. If property is being held at another agency, you may request an In Custody Property Release form from the Service League to facilitate the release of property to an authorized person of your choosing.
Religious Services
Our Religious Services Coordinator provides Pastoral visits, Bibles, religious materials and a schedule of religious activities. Please visit the Religious Services page for more information.
Video Visitation Scheduling & Registration
All visitors must pre-register online or via a kiosk in the lobby of Maple Street Correctional Center or Maguire. There may be a 48 hour processing period between registration and scheduling the first visit. Service League assists with pre-registration online at our office; hours may vary.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
The Service League has assisted in developing and is presently monitoring these programs in San Mateo County correctional facilities to individuals in custody:
- Alcoholics Anonymous: This original 12-step program is a support group for alcoholics advocating reliance on a higher power to achieve total abstinence and a return to responsible behavior. Dedicated AA volunteers offer AA in both English and Spanish in the various facilities on a weekly basis.
- AIDS Education: Due to the prevalence and consequent risk of HIV disease among IV drug users, this program is provided in the jails by the San Mateo County AIDS Project to educate about the virus and disseminate correct information about the disease and methods of protecting oneself against infection.
- Anger Management/Parenting: A voluntary, 4 week course of group work concentrating on exposing and teaching non-violent ways of dealing with frustrating situations both within families and in the real world.
- Domestic Violence Counseling: Because of the frequency of, primarily men, violating their probation and returning to jail for failing to complete a required number of hours of Domestic Violence Counseling during the year after sentencing, the Court in collaboration with Probation Department and the Service League has instituted a program in the Maple Street Correctional Center requiring certain individuals to begin counseling while in custody, and to assist in continuing their counseling when released.
- CHOICES: A program for men and women sponsored by the County Health Department, offering a therapeutic community approach to substance abuse intervention based on the Delancey Street model. The Service League provides volunteers for special programs and services.
- Mediation: Volunteers train with the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center and bring workshops to the Maple Street Correctional Center. The workshops, held monthly in different locations in the jails, will present common conflicts between individuals in custody and provide participants with the tools necessary to negotiate.
- GED Tutoring: The County Office of Education offers GED tutoring and testing at the Maguire Correctional Facility and the Maple Street Correctional Center. The Service League aids this effort by recruiting and training volunteers to tutor individuals in custody one-on-one on various aspects of the test.
- Job Search Workshop: Offered at the Maple Street Correctional Center weekly. Topics covered include interviewing skills, attitude adjustment, proper behavior and appropriate dress while on the job. Participants construct their own resume. Group feedback is encouraged as a positive learning experience.
- Narcotics Anonymous: This 12 step program set up for substance use disorder is offered in all facilities. Like AA, NA is a support group reliant on a higher power to achieve total abstinence and a return to responsible behavior.
- One-on-One Contacts: The Service League facilitates contact with outside parties by taking requests from the individual in custody, medical staff, and custody staff to match the request with a volunteer.
- Substance Use Disorder Information and Pre-release Screening: The Service League provides access to community substance use disorder programs for post-release entry into these programs. The Service League continuously and actively seeks volunteers and programs to interact with culture and language specific in-custody populations.
*COVID-19 restrictions may impact some of these services. Please call our office at (650) 364-4664 for the most up-to-date information.